Welcome to the Babyzilla Blog. Within these bloggish pages I shall attempt to capture the rapid growth of my son Ridley Michael Linton-Martin with photos, anecdotes, rants, and whatever other weapons I happen to have at my disposal.
Baby pictures, Jen? you ask in horror. To which I reply: Hell yeah. My kid is cool. Anyone else's is boring.
Let the blogging commence...
Here's a photo of Ridley, dated from the latter part of July, 2005. He's 7-months old, 20+ pounds of bouncing baby boy. I know, you're wondering about the helmet, right? It's an orthotic "molding helmet" with which we are reshaping his flattened head. Apparently he spent a little too much time on his back as a small baby. Hey, at the time I was just happy he was sleeping and not crying (he was very colicky in those first weeks). Okay, chalk up one thing that he can blame me for! At least I put my artistic skills to use and decorated the Helm of Molding.
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