The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween 2006!

It's the same costume as last year, but now worn by a much bigger kid. This was the first time that Ridley officially went "trick-or-treating"; a custom that was not entirely grasped by our 22-month old but one which he appeared to enjoy nonetheless. Any event in which people are giving him stuff -- especially if the stuff is candy -- is considered a good time by Ridley.

I made the tactical error of feeding Ridley one mini-chocolate bar. Just one. Note to parents: not an advisable move to feed your toddler a chocolate bar just one hour before bedtime. The resultant sugar-buzz had Ridley bouncing off the walls for the following hour-and-a-half. What was I thinking?


Blogger Just the Goods said...

Tres cute! I hope you all had a wonderful time =-) =-)

8:31 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, Ridley is looking more like you now...heard the news about the new addition - congrats to all of you. Ridley will be very excited, oh and so you will you guys i'm sure! Say hello to Rich and all the soon!


12:56 p.m.


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