The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Has your old religion lost it's otherworldly glow? Shopping around for a new belief system? Look no further than the Belief-O-Matic, brought to you by the good folks at This brief, 20-question quiz promises insight into your personal spirituality, or lack thereof.

Here are my top-ten possible choices for a belief system as suggested by the Belief-O-Matic:

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

2. Secular Humanism (98% -- yeah, I most closely agree with this philosophy.)

3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (87% -- this one has me baffled. Whereas I am most assuredly liberal in philosophy, I have to imagine that my complete & utter disbelief in a Supreme Being would rankle my fellow Liberal Christian Protestants).

4. Liberal Quakers (86% -- a what?! Would I have to wear a big white bonnet and pepper my language with words such as "thy" and "thine"?)

5. Nontheist (71% -- basically an atheist or agnostic, which kinda conflicts with that additional 16% of me that's Liberal Christian Protestant.)

6. Neo-Pagan (69% -- nah, that neo-pagan stuff is interesting but ultimately pretty goofy).

7. Theravada Buddhism (68% -- I have way too much ego to ever become a Buddhist).

8. Bah'ai Faith (63% -- Heard of it but have no idea what the belief system entails.)

9. Christian Science (54% -- Ditto.)

10. Reform Judaism (53% -- Just call me Esther).


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