Ridley & I are flying out to Halifax tomorrow a.m. to visit with Ms. Cindy Lou Who. I don't know about Rid (his interior life still remains a mystery) but I'm soooooo looking forward to the change of scenery, not to mention visiting with one of my oldest and dearest comrades. I'm packing my DVD of "The Sure Thing" so we can have a retro-Cusack-girlie night.
Found these photos on my harddrive today. They date from February of this year, so Rid would be only 2 months old.
After having vacated my second-floor home studio, I had to be resourceful in my artistic pursuits. Here I'm pictured working at my drawing table which, at that point in time, was located in my dining room.
I'm working on one of the panels of "Homage to Van Eyck" in these photos. Visit my web site (see profile) for the completed drawing. Jeez, I really, really miss my studio. I need to have a creative outlet to feel like a happy, well-adjusted, balanced individual. This blog is a case in point. For those of us with the art "calling", it becomes an addiction. Okay, perhaps addiction is too strong a term -- we'll say a requirement. It's difficult for people who are not involved in the arts to understand.
Ridley is such an important part of my world -- and I'm not saying that because I think that I should. That being said, I can't wait 'til he starts daycare in the fall of 2005. I'll miss him, no doubt. However, I need my artwork. Hell, it'll just be nice to think about something not relating to babies for a brief period of time.
Sheesh, listen to me whine. Sorry. Will post pics of my trip when we return. Ciao dahlinks.
Have an awesome time in Halifax!! I'm sure Cindy Lou Who (bein' a resident of Halifax) will have her own great ideas of what you should do, but I hear that Ye Ol' Triangle is a FANTASTIC restaraunt! In fact, one of my pals said it offered the best steak and eggs breakfast she ever ate in her WHOLE life. Chris and I wanted to check it out last summer when we were there, but unfortch it was 19+ and we were travelling with an 11 year old. Hmmm. Maybe Ridley is SOOOO young that the age restriction doesn't apply? At any rate, have a great trip out East!!!
11:27 a.m.
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