The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Monday, October 31, 2005

One may claim that the reason they embarked on parenthood was to continue the family dynasty, or for the less grandiose reason of nurturing a little being just for the fun and experience of it. Yeah, but I ain't buying it. The real reason that anyone would have a child is to dress he/she up on Halloween and document the whole thing with a plethora of pictures. Heck, I was so excited about Ridley's first Halloween that I rushed out to purchase a costume back in mid-September.

Ladies & gentlemen, I present: Ridley the Great Pumpkin.

Okay, it's getting late and my usual sharp wit is waning badly, so before I turn into a pumpkin myself (see what I mean about the impaired wit?) I think I'll just throw up the pictures with minimal commentary.

From left-to-right we have Marnie and Jonah, Ridley and myself.

Ridley & his Pa.


Blogger Just the Goods said...

Holy crap, Ridley is one hell of a cute kid ... and coming from me, the ultimate anti-natalist (so I've been told, anyway), that's a BIG deal ;-) ... erm if my opinion counts for anything, that is ;-) ;-)

9:32 a.m.


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