Age: 16.4 months
Gender: male...and I've checked. More than once.
Weight: 27 lbs.
Height: Not sure, but damn tall. As tall as most 2-year olds. So that's damn tall.
Temperament: Easy going (see photo) until you try take away my bottle/my toy/Dad's cell phone/your car keys/this fork that I'm poised to jab into my eye...and then I unleash the Beast.

Likes: Milk (otherwise known as "na-naaaah"), Dad's cell phone, Dad's Blackberry, the t.v. remote, the cordless phone, toy trucks, cars and basically anything with wheels, standing on my head, being upside down, Indian food (especially Tandoori Chicken and rice pudding), terrorizing Billie the Cat, when Mum sings the "Meow-Mix" song, having my photo taken.
Dislikes: Sitting still to have my photo taken, Mum wiping my snotty nose, carrots, diaper changes, having my autonomy challenged by that relentless b*tch who continually thwarts attempts to jab self in eye with fork.
LOL. Jennifer, I have to tell you how much I love reading your blog. Ever thought of writing, maybe getting something published?
I hope we’ll see you and Richard at our BBQ on June 10.
Ciao bella.
12:11 p.m.
Bit early for you to post a personal ad for young Rid, n'est ce pas?
CLH (Cindy Lou Who)
1:37 p.m.
Great entries! Love the shoes and his haircut! Raymond got his earlier this month for the first time!
1:38 p.m.
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