The reason for the above question is The Cure's official web site which I stumbled across the other day. Like all good surfing experiences, I'm not completely sure how I arrived there. Ah, memories! Robert, you make-up wearing, impish Goth boy-man! What a crush I had on you in highschool. What exactly was your appeal? Was it your compelling androgyny? Was it the fact that your shrieks and moans sounded every bit as miserable as I felt? [insert ironic wink here]. I have to admit, though, I was never quite sure whether I wanted to smear your lipstick ever more so with passionate kisses or to hand you a lipliner and give you some tips on achieving that flawless pout.
Robert, I sincerely apologize for not including your album "Disintegration" in my "Top Ten Pop Music Albums of All-Time" list from several postings ago. Clearly, this was an oversight on my part. You're in good company, however, amongst other glaring omissions such as The Clash's "London Calling", Kate Bush's "Never For Ever" and just about anything from Nick Cave. Guess I should've expanded the list to a top 20. "Disintegration" contains my three favourite Cure songs: "Fascination Street", "Love Song" and "Lullaby". "Fascination Street" has one of the best bass lines in a pop song ever, second only to Radiohead's "National Anthem". I'm even willing to overlook "Pictures of You", which, imho, is one of your lamest songs.
Just one thing, Rob. Now that you're approaching the age of a pensioner, I'm not certain that the whole messy-hair-and-smeared-cosmetics thing is working. Nothing personal. I only mention it 'cause I care ;-)
OMG OMG OMG! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ROBERT SMITH!!! [insert teenage girl squeely screams aplenty]. Throughout high school, and a bit into university, I used to celebrate his birthday with friends much like Japanese embassies around the world celebrate the emperor's birthday, but with, oh, a millionth of a percent of the budget... ha ha ha!
Now I can't even remember when his birthday is! March, or May? Geesh! I remember him being 36 when I was in high school though, so he's, like, old. Whatev, he's the one and only, and he deserves to do whatever the hell he wants, pouffy boufant and all! *squeeee!* He's soooooooooo rockin' and one day, when he dies of old age, I'll definitely sulk.
6:12 a.m.
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