The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

First Haircut for Master Linton-Martin.

When your young child's hair begins to recall the trademark scraggy mane of Neil Young, you know it's time to have it shorn. Okay, I exaggerate somewhat in my description of Ridley's pre-coiffed hair for dramatic effect. [As I post this picture of Ridley to the immediate left, Richard sits behind me in the office and offers this opinion: "It looks like a mugshot". Okay, fine. Yes, it does kinda resemble a police photo, Mr. Martin. Smartass.]

Just keepin' it real time for ya, folks.

Ya know what? It's late and I'm tired. I'm just gonna throw up a couple of recent pics of Babyzilla -- showcasing spiffy new haircut -- upon which all of you can marvel. Enjoy.


Blogger Just the Goods said...

Yay! A kid with fashionable parents who understand and value the need of fashionable hair =-) Perfect! And, when he starts styling it himself, even better =-) A 13 year old I know has started rebel against his mom and is coiffing on his own terms. It's a marvellous stage in human development ;-)

10:00 a.m.


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