The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Does anyone remember Meryn Cadell, the Canadian singer and performance artist who rose to public prominence back in 1992 with the radio-friendly spoken word hit "The Sweater"? (Buried in a box somewhere in my parents' basement lies an abandoned cassette of Cadell's album "Angel Food for Thought").

Today on CBC Radio I heard an interview with Cadell, and I couldn't help but notice that her once lovely, lilting voice had deepened remarkably. Apparently, in 2004 Cadell came out as a transsexual man (i.e. female-to-male).

Huh. It's a funny old world, ain't it? Well, my hats off to her, ummm, him. That takes guts.

Here's a link to Cadell online journal, if you're interested:


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