The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I am the anti-Mom Mom. I rarely manage to make it out to the local drop-in centres or playgroups, mainly because I'm bored with discussing baby-related matters with other mothers. I cringe at those e-mails from that supposedly contain helpful parenting tips but are thinly disguised marketing devices for the purposes of flogging consumer baby products that you just don't need. Listening to The Wiggles makes me want to puncture my own eardrums to escape the mind-numbing torture (sorry, Cindy). You'll never catch me forwarding on one of those cloying, sickly sweet e-mail chainletters that jammer on about "how motherhood is the most rewarding job you'll ever have". Yuck!

I lovelovelove my little guy, but ooooooh boy do I ever look forward to those days when he's in daycare and his Mom can concentrate on her work. No, Ridley is certainly not deprived of interaction with other children, as I do regularly attend a mother's group on Friday mornings. He also receives heaping portions of social contact at his daycare. I cannot imagine being a full-time stay-at-home Mom. I'd go bananas. It's called balance in life, folks.


Blogger Just the Goods said...

Sorry to hear you're facing a stressful schlump! As you know, I have NO plans to create offspring of any kind, so I can't really imagine what you're facing. That said, I've had my share of being woken up at night by a 2 yr old child FREAKING out (oh, let's say the whole month we've been in Amsterdam!), so I'm feeling like I can empathize with you more than ever. If I had to deal with that, really, I'd go nutzoid as well. Granted, the case downstairs is somewhat special... I won't go into it except to say that I empathize with the kid more than the parents!

But hey, it's only 15 more years until Ridley can drive a car, and 17 more years until he can vote. If you didn't have this blog, by then you'll probably forget how bananas you feel right now ;-)


6:14 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I've never heard the Wiggles myself.. just heard that they were v. popular and congratulated myself on being one with the toddler zeitgeist. If said CD would work better as a coaster for mojitos... well, save me one. :) Cindy

10:36 a.m.


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