Yes, it's early March in Toronto. Yes, it's cold. Nasty, bitter cold. And yet, stalwart parents that we are, we braved the lingering Canadian winter to bring entertainment and an educational experience to our young son by taking a family trip to the Toronto Metro Zoo.
Well, okay, the trip wasn't so much for Ridley than for us. For a number of reasons, we've been housebound for a long period of time. Thus, we were desperate for a daytime family outing in the sunshine, and not even frigid temperatures were going to thwart us. Did Ridley truly appreciate the trip to the Zoo? Difficult to measure. He did point and babble at some of the animals, and even giggled at the exuberant hopping of the kangeroo rat.
Here's a photo of Ridley and a couple of orangutans. It appears to be a mother orangutan with a baby. Awwwww. This photo was difficult to get, as the warmth & humidity of the Malaysian Pavilion caused the camera lens to fog. Incidentally, the bluish-purple blob in the lower-right corner of the picture frame is Ridley's head (with hat) and the bluish blob on the right is his mittened hand knocking against the glass.

The next photo is Ridley and a Mandrill ape (a type of baboon). Neither look too impressed by the other. So young, and already so bored.

Next is a cute photo of Rid and his Dad, hanging out by the Tiger cage.

Then, Ridley and I check out some sort of peacock-like bird (look carefully amidst the flora).

And lastly, me and Rid just kinda hanging out.

What an awesome team! Ridley with the "been there done that", you with the most AWESOME hair (and tights... I did indeed notice the cool tights!!!) and Richard smiling a million watts =-) It looks like you had an awesome time!
Chris and I are thinking that we -might- take his 13 year old to the zoo in Amsterdam when he's here during March Break (unless said 13 year old decides that's just way uncool) -- we'll let you know how that pans out ;-) Of course, if said 13 year old doesn't want to go to the zoo, Chris and I will go on our own later =-) I'm sure it's NOTHING like the metro toronto (much, much smaller), but we're still looking forward to it!
And, did I happen to say... AWESOME hair =-)
6:11 p.m.
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