There's nothing like procreation to make the months of summer speed by at an alarming pace. When was my last blog post, June? Under normal circumstances I'd say that was sheer laziness on my part, but these circumstances are not normal -- they're very, very tired circumstances indeed. Two kids are not twice the work of one, they're ten times.
Both Ridley and Nigel are big, burgeoning and extremely active, and their parents all the more tired for it. Just thought I'd throw a couple of recent photos on this blog, as I've received the occasional request, not to mention the odd complaint or two, from people who are not on Facebook.
It appears that Ridley has poured the entire contents of his juice cup onto his shirt in the submitted photo. Invent your own narrative if you find this one too banal. Ridley after an all-night bender, perhaps? Be creative.

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