I submit, therefore I am
Hmmm, there's a provocative blog post title for you. While this title would seem to suggest some major kinkiness taking place in my life, the reality is a whole lot more mundane. The "submitting" to which I refer is to art councils, artist-run and public galleries, and last but certainly not least, to graduate studies. Ugh. The balance of family life and career is, indeed, a tricky one. However, if I want some cash to help pursue my goal, and/or an exhibition in the next two years, and/or a piece of paper which places three more letters (MFA) after my name, then submit I must. I've cast my net; now we'll just have to wait and see what I fish out over the next couple of months.
Was back working in the studio last night until 1 a.m. Tired, but feel no remorse.
Kids are good. Will post more photos soon, once I upload them off the camera. To tell you the truth, my Blog Confessor, I talk about my children all day with other stay-at-home parents and therefore feel more than a little fatigued writing about them here.
(Nigel's awake from his morning nap, anyway).
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