The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Geez, those disposable cameras sure suck. Remind me to never bother with one again. These photos have more grain than my breakfast cereal.

Here's a nice photo of Cindy and Ridley, both demonstrating how well they can sit-up without support. Impressive.

I brought a bunch of Rid's toys with us but, of course, the thing that amused him the most was the plastic changing pad. That, and sticking his hand into a glass of water, as seen in the photo below. The hand-in-water thing had him laughing for quite a while. Babies...who can understand the subtle nuance of their humour?

Yesterday, I had Ridley weighed and measured at the doctor's office, more for my own curiosity than anything else. He's 23 lbs. and his height & weight are still off the top of the charts. No wonder my back hurts.


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