Uh-oh. I'm beginning to suspect that parenthood has really brought out the cornball in me, what with a cheesy blog post title such as the above. I'd blame sleeplessness were it not for the fact that both my little guys are fabulous sleepers. Either way, I fear that my artsy-urban hipster status may be under siege. ;-)

Ridley was dressed as an undead pirate in a costume that was doubtlessly aimed to capitalize on the whole
Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. He is captured here in all his undead-pirate glory, his mouth besmeared with red dye #72 or whichever chemical is used to give Doritos their characteristic toxic red-orange colour. Nigel, for his part, looked fabulous in his Halloween

All in all, it was a successful deployment of Halloween festivities. Ridley chose not to trick-or-treat for very long, as his dislike of the dark won out over his love of candy. I suspect that next year, the candy will win.
Incidentally, you can click on any of the photos to see them at their full size. The artist/designer in me continually gripes over the layout limitations and lack of creative control experienced when using the Blogger templates. Grumble.
*This pun ©2007 Karen Johnson. Used with permission (?).
Jen, embrace the cheesiness. Be one with your cornball feelings. Drive to the Walmart in your minivan and buy that magenta track suit/muumuu :)
Great pics...your boys are so big now!
3:04 p.m.
aren't you the artsy urban hipster I keep bumping into in the diaper section at no frills?
Look out Annie Leibowitz - your front porch portait with kids IN their costumes deserves money$$$$$
4:52 p.m.
Was it the French who said, "What is life without cheese?" (Qu'es-que la vie sans fromage?) Or perhaps it was Kraft?
Either way, they're adorable.
7:17 p.m.
Ooooooooooooh! Adorable costumes =-) And yeah, I think you're right... as soon as ridley figures out just how much candy is in store, he'll be more enthused. At this point he probably doesn't have enough of a sense of time to realize he has to wait a WHOLE year before being able to do it all again ;-) In the meantime, it probably won't be long before you need to start checking his pockets for eggs and rolls of TP ;-)
3:21 a.m.
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