The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A rant from your favourite enfant terrible

Have you ever encountered one of those parents who publish a family newsletter which they mail to family and friends who are doubtlessly aquiver with anticipation to thumb through this compelling missive? You can just picture the Christmas-time newsletter, all festooned with clip art elves and decorative snowman borders? Got it? Well, I'm not that sort of parent. I am the antithesis. The anti-Mom. I don't scrapbook. When no one's looking, I chuck the art projects that Ridley creates at playschool in the paper recycling bin. (Well, okay, I keep some of the better paintings that I know he's created himself without too much help from his playschool teacher). 

It's already a couple of weeks into January 2008 and I have yet to write my customary Christmas/New Year's blog entry. Of course, no one is pressuring me to post in my blog. I feel a certain responsibility, however, to continue to document both the progress of my children as well as to assault your senses with my random musings and rants. 

Such as this rant: Christmas stresses me out and I'm frankly relieved when it's over. Yes, yes, Merry Christmas. Happy New Year, too. Thank you for your present. Here's yours. Now get out of my house. 

Sorry. The winter tends to make me a little grumpy. Let's just leave it there and I'll post some pictures of the kids. They're cute, nice kids. Not (usually) grumpy like their old lady ;-)


Blogger Just the Goods said...

It is freakishly weird to see how quickly children grow. But I'm sure the faster they grow, the more fun they are. O'course, I'm speaking of differences I've noticed in someone I met at age 11 who is now 1/2 way to turning 16. Fascinating...

But, back to your post... it's awesome to see how well the boys are getting along. I realize it's just one pic, but somehow I am extrapolating that Ridley seems to basking in his maturity as the older bro ;-)

happy 08 to all of you!!

2:41 p.m.

Blogger village mama said...

"enfant terrible" what an ironic term now that you're a mom, eh?

4:43 p.m.


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