Rescue me from the potent siren call of "ironic baby wear". What is it that compels new age parents to adorn their children with anarchy symbols and the like? Is it because it's so funny, or is there some Freudian projection going on here? Who knows. It's just plain cute.
Pictured are two of my personal favs.

The other day I came across some good breastfeeding information on the web from good ol' Dr. Jack (Newman), the Canadian guru of lactation. Ridley's turning 9-months in less than two weeks, and we're still nursing. I recall, back when he was 4-months and still being exclusively breastfed, that I wanted nothing more than to stop nursing. Now, however, it's no big deal at all. Easy, in fact. I'm willing to take it to a year, and then reassess. If he wants to continue to nurse into his toddlerhood, I'm okay with that.
Of course, he hasn't cut any teeth yet...
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