The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

In memorandum: Harry Rogers Linton

September 10th, 2007 marked the one year anniversary of the death of my father Harry Rogers Linton. At that time, I considered writing a post to commemorate this sad event, but found myself uncharacteristically at a loss for words. Which is not to say that I haven't thoughts to share on the subject, only that I am reluctant to share such intimate and personal thoughts on a blog. Believe it or not, I actually do believe that there are some things which should remain private.

What I will share with you, my Blog Confessor, are some lasting impressions I have of my father. Though he possessed only a high school education, he was an articulate and natively bright man with a quick wit and astounding memory. Up until the very last years of his life, when chronic illness finally dulled his formerly sharp mind, he could clearly recall the telephone numbers of every household in which he'd lived in his seventy-seven years.

He was also possessed of an impressive vocabulary, with which he frequently, though playfully, taunted me in my childhood. I believe I was in early grade school when I finally consulted the dictionary to learn what the word recalcitrant* meant, as it was one of his favourite adjectives for me. How prescient (sly smile).

I will leave you with a photograph of my dad from happier, healthier days. This photo of my parents appears to date from the 1950's, long before I was born.

*recalcitrant= "resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; refractory."

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Aaaarrrr me maties, it's Halloween 2007!

Uh-oh. I'm beginning to suspect that parenthood has really brought out the cornball in me, what with a cheesy blog post title such as the above. I'd blame sleeplessness were it not for the fact that both my little guys are fabulous sleepers. Either way, I fear that my artsy-urban hipster status may be under siege. ;-)

Ridley was dressed as an undead pirate in a costume that was doubtlessly aimed to capitalize on the whole Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. He is captured here in all his undead-pirate glory, his mouth besmeared with red dye #72 or whichever chemical is used to give Doritos their characteristic toxic red-orange colour. Nigel, for his part, looked fabulous in his Halloween cowstume.*

All in all, it was a successful deployment of Halloween festivities. Ridley chose not to trick-or-treat for very long, as his dislike of the dark won out over his love of candy. I suspect that next year, the candy will win.

Incidentally, you can click on any of the photos to see them at their full size. The artist/designer in me continually gripes over the layout limitations and lack of creative control experienced when using the Blogger templates. Grumble.

*This pun ©2007 Karen Johnson. Used with permission (?).