The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

First Haircut for Master Linton-Martin.

When your young child's hair begins to recall the trademark scraggy mane of Neil Young, you know it's time to have it shorn. Okay, I exaggerate somewhat in my description of Ridley's pre-coiffed hair for dramatic effect. [As I post this picture of Ridley to the immediate left, Richard sits behind me in the office and offers this opinion: "It looks like a mugshot". Okay, fine. Yes, it does kinda resemble a police photo, Mr. Martin. Smartass.]

Just keepin' it real time for ya, folks.

Ya know what? It's late and I'm tired. I'm just gonna throw up a couple of recent pics of Babyzilla -- showcasing spiffy new haircut -- upon which all of you can marvel. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Last weekend, Richard & I placed the DVD of David Cronenberg's "History of Violence" into our player, fully anticipating to be amazed yet again by the Canadian auteur director. How completely and utterly surprised we were when the film turned out to be so ... disappointing.

Did we see the same film that everyone else purportedly saw? We felt that the dialogue was trite and the plot contrived, resulting in something that felt more "movie of the week" than an artful exploration into mankind's relationship to violence & aggression. Sure, this film had the classic Cronenberg touches: splatter, comic book gore and unconventional sex. William Hurt's rather baroque portrayal of Richie Stalls was thoroughly enjoyable. Ed Harris was equally effective as the wounded baddie who badgers Tom & his family. However, the rest of the film just didn't hang together.

Frankly, I've always felt that Cronenberg has more "misses" than "hits" in his oeuvre. Yes, he's a clever guy. He was unquestionably on the cinematic vanguard with such offerings as "Videodrome" and "Naked Lunch". I loved "Spider", too. But "History of Violence" falls way short of the mark. I understand fully why this film was shut out of the Oscars.

Let's not forget that Cronenberg was also a very, very B-movie director in the 70's, responsible for such cult classics as "Rabid" and "Shivers". These schlocky films are fun, but they're a long way from good. Case in point: the lead actress in "Rabid" is 70's porn star Marilyn Chambers. I mean, c'mon...

Sorry, Dave. Love ya, but this ain't one of your better efforts.

In Canada, we cultivate our hockey fans early. In this photo Ridley wears his Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, a gift from his uncle Dave. The Leafs have not won a Stanley Cup since ... 1967? Before I was born, never mind Ridley. And yet, Toronto fans are loyal to this sport franchise like members of some deranged cult. I don't get it.