23-and-a-half weeks of nasal congestion, nausea, headache, backache and exhaustion ... and counting. Oh yeah, I forgot to add foggy-headed forgetfulness to that litany of complaints. Evidently, the medical establishment has failed to warn women of childbearing years that fetuses are, in fact, parasitic brain leaches who covertly drain all your mental facilities. I quietly live in fear of the day when I completely forget my whereabouts or even my own identity.
Just keeping it real for ya, folks.
Otherwise, I'm in good health and the unborn baby is thriving. I sport a big, round baby-bump, though I have no "belly shots" to share. Perhaps I'll spare you that.
What I will share within these bloggish pages is a photo of myself with straight hair. Truly, an historic occasion as it's doubtful I've ever had straight hair, nor will ever again. The straightness began to rapidly disappear after giving Master Ridley his nightly bath. Hence, I decided to document the new 'do while some semblance of straightness remained.