Gone are the days when expectant mothers concealed their burgeoning bellies beneath the tent-like folds of demure maternity dresses. The frumpy, matronly pregnancy frock that your mother was obliged to wear has, thankfully, disappeared. Similarly banished are the Grandma-sized undergarments that were offered to pregnant and nursing mothers in only two colours: clinical white and "let's face it, you're never having sex again" beige.
The procreating woman of today proudly displays her baby bump like a contemporary Venus of Willendorf clad in fashionably form-fitting black or animal print maternity wear. Even the lingerie industry has addressed this new trend of the "yummy mummy" by creating functional nursing bras in sexy, push-up bra style, complete with matching nursing pads. (Impractical, sure, but since when has fashion been about practicality?) The lingerie label PassionSpice Maternity even offers a negligée that enables the expectant couple to bask in the sexy glow of their successful mating.
So, to all my fellow breeders out there, I say this unto thee: as you confidently stride down Queen Street East clutching your $200 Fleurville diaper bag whilst pushing your fashionably-clad offspring in the $1000 Bugaboo stroller (café latté safely nestled in stroller's cup holder) en route to your Baby Pilates class ... do you ever pause to consider our less fortunate foremothers and wonder "geez ... just how am I gonna pay for all this crap?"
Over the past week I have been composing an essay on my art practice for the 'Featured Artist' section of an arts e-zine.* While I certainly appreciate the publicity for my work, I have to admit that the writing that frequently accompanies this publicity is not my favourite part of the job. In this instance, it's not a matter of having to research the subject of the essay, but rather forcing myself to bang away at the keyboard on a Sunday afternoon when I'd rather be....oh....watching vintage '80's music videos on YouTube.
(sheepish grin)
I know, I know. Major work-avoidance behaviour. Here's a video gem that I unearthed during my bout of essay-procrastination: Laurie Anderson's surprise pop-chart hit from 1982, 'O Superman'. It's difficult to imagine an offering from an experimental media artist such as Anderson ever finding it's way into the mainstream in today's musical mediocrity.
Unlike the majority of '80's videos, this one has aged surprisingly well. While I wouldn't describe her as a singer, Anderson's melodic, sing-song speech sounds as hypnotic as when I first encountered it back in those heady highschool days. Anderson brilliantly evokes a menacing sense of calm.
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