For many years now we've all known that it's "not easy being green", but a nihilistic, drug-addicted Kermit the Frog crooning Trent Reznor's ode to self-destruction, the Nine Inch Nails ballad "Hurt"? Whereas the dark side of my personality -- which is, admittedly, substantial -- revels in this type of black humour, my inner child laments the fact that I'll never be able to view Kermit in quite the same way again.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The primary reason why we don't have many recent photos of Ridley is not that we are wholly neglectful parents, but rather that Ridley is a massive camera hog. The very instant that Rid catches a glimpse of the camera -- whether it be SLR or video -- he immediately launches himself towards it in an effort to wrestle said camera out of our hands. See evidence below.
Is he a frustrated photographer/filmmaker trapped in the body of a toddler? Perhaps, though I'm cautious not to project my psychological baggage onto him (being a not-so-secretly frustrated filmmaker myself).