The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Monday, October 31, 2005

One may claim that the reason they embarked on parenthood was to continue the family dynasty, or for the less grandiose reason of nurturing a little being just for the fun and experience of it. Yeah, but I ain't buying it. The real reason that anyone would have a child is to dress he/she up on Halloween and document the whole thing with a plethora of pictures. Heck, I was so excited about Ridley's first Halloween that I rushed out to purchase a costume back in mid-September.

Ladies & gentlemen, I present: Ridley the Great Pumpkin.

Okay, it's getting late and my usual sharp wit is waning badly, so before I turn into a pumpkin myself (see what I mean about the impaired wit?) I think I'll just throw up the pictures with minimal commentary.

From left-to-right we have Marnie and Jonah, Ridley and myself.

Ridley & his Pa.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Recent photos of the Boy Wonder. He's standing and cruising around the room, propping himself up with the furniture, with people ... with anything, really, that gets in his path. On October 25th, Ridley will be 10-months old. I haven't the faintest idea what he weighs at the moment, but I do know that he's wearing 12-18 months baby clothes. Hey, we don't call him Babyzilla for nothing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

"[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practise witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
- Pat Robertson, Republican National Convention, 1992

Leave my husband, kill my child and become a lesbian?! Nah. I think I'd just prefer to kick the living snot outta psychotic right-wing nutcases such as yourself, Pat.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Is there something in the water that causes Aussies to act in the manner in which they do? I ask this question in response to a cute little factoid that Cindy brought to my attention, involving garden gnomes, artistic expression and (I suspect) large quantities of beer. Cindy writes:

"My sister sent me a note from Australia the other day describing that Canberra holds a yearly garden gnome festival in which Australians submit thousands of hand painted garden gnomes which are then displayed on the parliamentary lawn. Attached is a pic of my sister's fave - two gnomes painted to resemble band members of KISS. I'm showing my heavy metal roots here, but I think they're Gene Simmons and Ace Frehley*. You've got to appreciate a culture like this."

*Cindy, your heavy metal roots are showing ;-)

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Saturday night on Thanksgiving weekend -- and bored as hell. Richard's watching Hockey Night in Canada downstairs. I hate hockey. Stupid, stupid sport. *Grumble*

Started to work at my drawing table (new drawing started...looks good so far...thanks for your interest) but was soon distracted by the computer. All of the sudden I felt it imperative that I Google lyrics to Radiohead songs. I mean, just what the hell is Thom Yorke moaning on about, anyway? What I discovered was this nifty Radiohead web site/blog, with Himself (the aforementioned Mr. Yorke) posting on a fairly frequent basis. The guy's a brilliant songwriter, but he has yet to embrace grammar. Call me old school, but I bristle when I see a sentence which lacks any sort of capitalization. It's called a shift key, Thom. It won't hurt you.

Anyway, the URL is

No, this doesn't have anything to do with Babyzilla. What, you think my whole life revolves around my kid? :-)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Goofing around with Babyzilla. If you look carefully, you can spot the incredibly long rope of spit dangling from Ridley's lower lip. Drool literally pours from his mouth these days. He's every sign of teething, except teeth. Not that I'm in any big hurry to get chomped on, ya understand.