The hormonal ramblings of an Art Mama.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Arrived home safe & sound, though a little ragged around the edges. Traveling with an 8-month old infant is a challenge, but possible. The flight there and back were remarkably uneventful. Ridley handled this new experience with characteristic calm. It was like he'd done it all before. I tell ya, this kid is definitely destined for greatness.

I forgot the digital camera at home (duh) so I bought one of those disposables and took a couple of snaps whilst in "Canada's Maritime Playground". Cindy & Terry were delightful hosts (as always) and I'm ever appreciative of the opportunity to visit. Highlights of the trip include Terry's phenomenal seafood feast, lunch at a Japanese restaurant where I consumed the absolutely best sushi outside of Asia, and a successful trip to that greatest of Maritime establishments Frenchy's, where I purchased two pairs of jeans (for me) and two shirts (for son) all for the princely sum of $10.

We also came to the conclusion, after watching my DVD of the 1985 cinematic classic "The Sure Thing", that John Cusack has indeed made an entire career out of playing the exact same character in every single movie he's appeared in...okay, save for the puppeteer in "Being John Malkovich" who was a completely unsympathetic jerk.

Will post pics once they're developed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ridley & I are flying out to Halifax tomorrow a.m. to visit with Ms. Cindy Lou Who. I don't know about Rid (his interior life still remains a mystery) but I'm soooooo looking forward to the change of scenery, not to mention visiting with one of my oldest and dearest comrades. I'm packing my DVD of "The Sure Thing" so we can have a retro-Cusack-girlie night.

Found these photos on my harddrive today. They date from February of this year, so Rid would be only 2 months old.

After having vacated my second-floor home studio, I had to be resourceful in my artistic pursuits. Here I'm pictured working at my drawing table which, at that point in time, was located in my dining room.

I'm working on one of the panels of "Homage to Van Eyck" in these photos. Visit my web site (see profile) for the completed drawing. Jeez, I really, really miss my studio. I need to have a creative outlet to feel like a happy, well-adjusted, balanced individual. This blog is a case in point. For those of us with the art "calling", it becomes an addiction. Okay, perhaps addiction is too strong a term -- we'll say a requirement. It's difficult for people who are not involved in the arts to understand.

Ridley is such an important part of my world -- and I'm not saying that because I think that I should. That being said, I can't wait 'til he starts daycare in the fall of 2005. I'll miss him, no doubt. However, I need my artwork. Hell, it'll just be nice to think about something not relating to babies for a brief period of time.

Sheesh, listen to me whine. Sorry. Will post pics of my trip when we return. Ciao dahlinks.

Friday, August 12, 2005

A wiser person than myself once spoke these sagely words: be careful what you ask for, you may get it.

A dark and drizzling Friday afternoon. I'm sat here behind the magic glowing box that is my computer monitor, whilst Ridley has his afternoon nap. Several weeks ago I worried, I fretted, I complained about Ridley's inability to nap for a length of time greater than 30 minutes. After perusing various baby-related web sites and spending some cash on Marc Weissbluth's "Healthy Sleeping Habits, Happy Child" (the book-du-jour for overtired infants and their frazzled parents), I've managed to get Rid to nap successfully, sometimes for 2-3 hours at a time. The result of which, however, means that between his 2-3 daytime naps and feedings, I'm trapped -- hopelessly, desperately trapped -- inside the house. Sigh. Well, he is, indeed, a happier baby for the extra sleep, so it's a small price to pay.

Other than the rain, though, today's been a good day. Two days ago, however, was a very bad day indeed. At least, we'll classify it a dramatic day. Ridley fell from the changing pad WHAP! onto the hardwood floor in his bedroom. I was stood right there, clean diaper in hand, and he suddenly heaves his body off the table. Shit. I know, I know, I should've had the little changing pad strap on him. I generally do these days, as he's become very physically active, twisting and writhing like a little fish. Mea Culpa! Thankfully, Rid was wearing his molding helmet (see earlier post below), so his head was protected.

Naturally, I rushed him to the Emergency Department at Toronto East General, wringing my hands with shame and worry. The doctors saw him almost immediately and, yes, he's perfectly fine. I was expecting a lecture from the doctor on securing babies to changing tables, but received none. In fact, they even joked about the fact that he was wearing a "football helmet", as they referred to it.

Childrens' Aid workers have yet to appear at my front door, demanding that I hand over the child due to my obvious lack of parental competency. Perhaps it's a good thing, then, that we're laying low on this rainy afternoon.

Ah, I feel the burden of my guilt lift ever so slightly off my maternal shoulders. Thank you, my Blog Confessor

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Monday, August 08, 2005

Achieving balance in one's life is crucial. This past weekend was a case in point. After weeks of peek-a-boo and Pat the Bunny, Richard & I were delighted to receive an invitation to Milena's combination birthday blast/bon voyage party, where we indulged in some more adult entertainment. Much fun was had by all as we wished a fond farewell to Miss M. and Chris as they jetset over to Denmark to live amongst the world-weary eurotrash crowd.

That's Richard in the foreground, and Chris second from the left. Apparently, he and Richard shop at the same eyeglass store on Queen St. West ;-)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Okay, another quick post. I can see how this blog schtuff gets addictive. An impromptu photo courtesy of Lynn (Roel's mom) taken last Thursday, July 31st, 2005. From left-to-right we have Irene and baby Cole, Sue & Madison, and myself & Ridley. We're hanging out by the wading pool in Kew Gardens -- the one in Toronto (the Beaches), not the one in the U.K.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Welcome to the Babyzilla Blog. Within these bloggish pages I shall attempt to capture the rapid growth of my son Ridley Michael Linton-Martin with photos, anecdotes, rants, and whatever other weapons I happen to have at my disposal.

Baby pictures, Jen? you ask in horror. To which I reply: Hell yeah. My kid is cool. Anyone else's is boring.

Let the blogging commence...

Here's a photo of Ridley, dated from the latter part of July, 2005. He's 7-months old, 20+ pounds of bouncing baby boy. I know, you're wondering about the helmet, right? It's an orthotic "molding helmet" with which we are reshaping his flattened head. Apparently he spent a little too much time on his back as a small baby. Hey, at the time I was just happy he was sleeping and not crying (he was very colicky in those first weeks). Okay, chalk up one thing that he can blame me for! At least I put my artistic skills to use and decorated the Helm of Molding.